Good evening!
It's 8:30 p.m. in Japan.
Today, I had a trouble with my computer system.(>_<)
My work is to audit the finacial reports of clients.
And I have used the computer system "eAudIT" to collate the data of the results to audit them from this year.
But this system is too weak to get frozen often.(-_-;)
I want someone to introduce some excellent engineers to our company!
By the way, do you know "EV"(Electric Vehicle)?
Today, Nissan, the Japanise big maker of cars, released selling EV.
This EV can drive without putting out CO2.
The price is 3,764,250 yen.(I think it expensive...)
Do you want to buy it?
I still don't want to buy it.(^^;;
If it gets cheaper, I will consider buying it.
Someday, Most cars become EV, I think.
And in Japan, TV can be bought in Akihabara, where there are many electric appliance stores.(^^)
Yes, I think EV is equal to consumer electronics!! ex)Personal Computer, Refrigerator, TV, and more.
Do you think so??
Today's blog has finished!