Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My cooking #9


Today, in Japan it's a holiday.

But...I worked hard all day.(-_-;)

I would like to finish my work early!!(>_<)

Well, today I will show my dinner.o(^^)o

The menu is my original meal.(^^)v

"Okonomiyaki rice"

Do you know "okonomiyaki"?

It is a meat and vegetable pancake, that wheat flour, meat, egg, and vegetables are mixed and burned on an iron plate.

This is the popular meal in Japan, especially the west Japan.

On the other hand, my original meal, "Okonomiyaki rice" is made with rice instead of wheat flour!!

And I can cook it easier!!

The ingredients are rice, an egg, cabbages, and pork.

First, mix rice, an egg, and cabbages.

Next, pan-boil pork.

And last, put mixed one in a frying-pan and burn together.

Browned, finsh!!

The seasonings are sauce and mayonnaise.

Do you think easy??(^^)/


Of course, it's very, very good!(^0^)b

I'm full up♪

Good night!!


Sunday, April 26, 2009

a kudzu starch cake


I'm sorry that I couldn't write my blog recently.m(_ _)m

I'm too busy now.(+_+;)

Because the time is approching when my client releases a statement of accounts.

Well, today I will introduce a Japanese cake.(^^)/

It's "a kudzu starch cake".

The way to cook it is to dissolve arrowroot starch, add sugar, boil and knead.

The taste is sweet.(*^^*)

And "puru♪ puru♪"(^0^)


Tuesday, April 21, 2009



Today, I went to a studium to watch the game of soccer after work!(^^)

Yes, "Kawasaki Frontale", my lover team, played the game.

And the result was 2-1, victory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The two Brazilian players got goals.(^0^)

Brazilian play soccer very well!!

And so they advanced to the final tournament in ACL (Asia Championship League).(^_^)v

I believe they will win all the games.o(^^)o

Tonight, it was strongly rain.

But we were very hot for the great victory.(*^0^*)V

Even now, I have been excited very much.(^^;;



Monday, April 20, 2009

a trouble


How are you?

I'm poor today. (=_=)

For I'm distressed by the way to work...

The trouble is the relation between me and a man of experience in business.

We have disagreed over the way to work.

He insited on the traditional way.

But it is clear that the way is very inefficint!

So I suggested to him the more efficient way, which I had been instructed by other senior.

Well、but...he is so obstinate.(-_-;)

He never listened to me.

In Japan, harmony among people is regarted as more important than a great ability of an individual.

My thought is backed up by other follow workers.

But he is a leader in our work team, and we must follow him.

So his inefficient way have made other subordinates be so trouble.

I want to relieve them. is often said in Japan that youngers must not give a opinion to seniors.

A opinion seems good, though.(--;;


Tomorrow, I will try to persuade him again!

I hope us all to be happy!

For that we should have the more efficient way!!

I will try hard!p(^^)q

Good night!


Sunday, April 19, 2009



How are you getting along?

April 17 is the birthday of my GF.(*^_^*)

So tonight, we went to Roppongi to eat a delicious dinner.(^^)v

The menu was "しゃぶしゃぶ(Syabu Syabu)".(^0^)

Do you know it?

It generally means a one-pot dish made at the table by cooking vegetables and slices of meat in boiling broth and eaten with a soy-based sauce.

But we ate more delicious that.(^m^)v

First, the meats were "Iberian pork" and "Platium pork"!!

"Iberian pork" is the brand pork in Spain.

"Platium pork" is the brand pork in Japan.

They are famous to be delicious very much!!

And next "Collagen" was gotten on in the pot!

"Collagen" is good for beautiful skin!(^^)/

I would like my GF to keep her beautiful always.(^o^)o

We were full up and very happy.(o^0^o)v



Thursday, April 16, 2009

the cost of living


Today, I will ask a question to me.(^^)/

"Do you know what city takes the most cost of living in the world?"

The answer is "Moscow", the capital of Russia.

For the roubles are strong and the housing expenses are very high.

And the second city is "Tokyo", the capital of Japan, where I live in now.

The city takes the many costs of living!

Especially, the hausing expensive!!

How much rent do you pay rent for your apartment?

I pay ¥110,000, about $ 1,100, every month.(--;;

But my apartment is old and narrow to live in with other person.

Someday, I would like to buy and live in the big house!

So I will work hard!

Now it's a busy season for our job.

We must audit the report on final accounts of our clients.

Day and day, we have to work overtim.(x_x;)

Um.....I'm sleepy.(>_<)

Good night!


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My cooking #8

Good evening!

After a long time, I will show my today's dishes.(^^)/


Well, I don't have a Chinese frying pan and a stromg range.

So I couldn't cook the menu full-dressly.(^^;;

The "DOUBLE COOKED PORK" I like has crisp cabbages.

But that I cooked had cabbages weak.(--;;

Someday, I would like to cook at the full scale kitchen!

This photo seems like stir-fried vegetables.(^_^;)

Now, I'm full up.
So I'm sleepy.(_ _;)zzz
Good night!

Monday, April 13, 2009

House cleaning

Good evening!

How did you spend in last weekend?

I did the house cleaning!

Well, no, I was made clean up my room by my GF.(・_・;;

The last night, my GF said,

" Let's clean up your room!! It's untidy very much!!"

Um......, yes, I couldn't object against her. (. . ;)

I thought my room was always in a mess...

I like to cook!

And I wash always in person!


I dislike cleaning.

Because it's boring and makes me tired.(-_-;)

Moreover, my room has a lot of goods, especially so many books.

Magazines, Journals, Textbooks, Novels, and more...

They are so many that they cann't be on bookshelves.(x_x;)

So, she made me cast away needless books.(^^;;

Now, my room is a little tidy.(^^)v

I must keep my room clean!

If I don't, I will be scolded by her.(*o*)

Bye!See you next!


Saturday, April 11, 2009



How are you?
I'm fine!(^^)

Yesterday, I went to a hot springs with my friends.(*^^*)

My friend will be transferred from Tokyo, the central city of the east Japan, to Osaka, the central city of the west.

He works at a bank.

Bankers are oftern transferred.

And he will go distantly the week after next.(>_<。)

So I and my other friend had a farewell party.o(^^)o

After work, we gathered round, and went to a hot spring on my car.

And we talked about some memories.(^^)

We promissed to keep in close contact!

Someday, we hope to run a business together.(^0^)

The transference is the destiny of Japanese salaried workers, especially bankers.

But I would like think the world of my friends even though we are apart.p(^^)q



Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cherry blossoms

Good night!!

Tonight, I went to see cherry blossoms with my GF after work.(*^^*)

In Japan, it's just the cherry-blossom season!

Do you go to see cherry blossoms in spring?

Most Japanese go to see them every year, and drink!

It's the festival season!!

Blossoms are the flowers I love very much.(^^)

I think blossoms are most beautiful flowers.

And I will talk about the view I love.

That's the river and cherry petals fell like snowflakes.(o^^o)

The below photo is the Meguro river.

This rever is covered with cherry petals.

And the below photo is the scene of people enjoying the cherry blossoms.o(^^)o


Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Dream World


I'm still in my dreams now.(^^)

Because I and my GF went to the dream world, "Disney Sea".o(^^)o

"Disney Sea" is in the Tokyo Disney Resort, and next to "Disneyland".

"Disneyland" is comparatively for children.

On the other hand "Disney Sea" is for adults besides children.

For example, we can drink alcohol in "Disney Sea".( We can't in "Disneyland")

We enjoyed very much today!!

We got on many attractions, and saw wonderful shows.(*^^*)

Well, of course we ate many delicious foods.(o^_^o)v

We spent the times like our dreams.(^^)/

Do you like a roller coaster?

I like it very much!

Getting on it, I can feel excited!!

Well, my GF was afraid to get on it.(^^;;

In the dream world, we returned to child.

We enjoyed all things there.(^0^)

I promised her to go together to "Disneyland" next time.p(^^)q

See you next!


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Viva Kawasaki Frontale!!


Today, I watched a soccer game at a stadium♪

Yes, I love "Kawasaki Frontale", the one of teams in the Japan league!(o^_^o)

And they won a fine victory today!!(^^)V

The score was 3-1!!

I was so excited!!o(^^)o

So, today I will talk about the appeal of "Kawasaki Frontale".

If you aren't interested, I'm sorry.(^^;;

Well, the applea of them is offensive strength!

Their system is 4-3-3.(DF:3, MF:3, FW:3)

In FW, two Brazilians and a North Korean are very strong!

Brazilians are so fast that other Japanese players can't stop them.

And a North Korean has so strong body to beat other players.

They always shoot too much, and get many goals!!

On the today's game, they got goals!

And this team have three Japan's representatives.

MF, DF, and Keeper

Especially, the player of MF is a great fantasista!

He is the central figure of this team.

His pass makes three FW get many goals.

The feature of his pass is fast and strong, and so other players can't cut his pass.

The policy of this team is that if they give up points, they get more points!

So we can see the many scenes of goals.

The scenes of goals is most exciting in soccer.

I would like to talk more about Kawasaki Frontale.

But now I'm sleepy.(_ _)zzz

And tomorrow, I will go to "Disney Sea"in the Tokyo Disney World with my GF.

Good night!


Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fool's Day


April 1 was "April Fool's Day".o(^0^)o

This day is when we are permit to lie.(^^)/

Did you lie about something??

I was lied to by my GF.(^^;;

She has got me there.(^_^;)

March 31, she had sliped lightly on the stairs at a station.(x_x;)

And she had sprained her ankle.

I had worried about her.

Well, I had felt relief that she had been almost unharmed.

And April 1, I received a mail from her.

" OMG, I sliped today too(+_+;) "

I forgot about the April Fool's Day.

And I worried about her, and callede her at once!

Well, you know, she didn't slip really.(^^;;

I've been done.(>_<)

But I was relied very much at the lie.^^;

Have you lied and been lied??(^o^)/

