Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Dream World


I'm still in my dreams now.(^^)

Because I and my GF went to the dream world, "Disney Sea".o(^^)o

"Disney Sea" is in the Tokyo Disney Resort, and next to "Disneyland".

"Disneyland" is comparatively for children.

On the other hand "Disney Sea" is for adults besides children.

For example, we can drink alcohol in "Disney Sea".( We can't in "Disneyland")

We enjoyed very much today!!

We got on many attractions, and saw wonderful shows.(*^^*)

Well, of course we ate many delicious foods.(o^_^o)v

We spent the times like our dreams.(^^)/

Do you like a roller coaster?

I like it very much!

Getting on it, I can feel excited!!

Well, my GF was afraid to get on it.(^^;;

In the dream world, we returned to child.

We enjoyed all things there.(^0^)

I promised her to go together to "Disneyland" next time.p(^^)q

See you next!



  1. Oh how wonderful to return to your childhood, Haru!
    Have you ever been to Las Vegas? My friends tell me it's a playland for adults.
    Someday I will go to Vegas.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hi Chris,
    Yes, I have been once to Las Vegas!
    But I was a child then...
    So I couldn't play casino(>_<)
    I also would like to go to Vegas again!
