Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fool's Day


April 1 was "April Fool's Day".o(^0^)o

This day is when we are permit to lie.(^^)/

Did you lie about something??

I was lied to by my GF.(^^;;

She has got me there.(^_^;)

March 31, she had sliped lightly on the stairs at a station.(x_x;)

And she had sprained her ankle.

I had worried about her.

Well, I had felt relief that she had been almost unharmed.

And April 1, I received a mail from her.

" OMG, I sliped today too(+_+;) "

I forgot about the April Fool's Day.

And I worried about her, and callede her at once!

Well, you know, she didn't slip really.(^^;;

I've been done.(>_<)

But I was relied very much at the lie.^^;

Have you lied and been lied??(^o^)/




  1. hi Haru,
    my students played tricks on me all day!
    April 1st is their favorite day!

  2. Hi, Chris!

    If I were your student, I would play tricks on you too.(^m^)/
    I'm sorry.(^^;;
