How are you getting along?
April 17 is the birthday of my GF.(*^_^*)
So tonight, we went to Roppongi to eat a delicious dinner.(^^)v
The menu was "しゃぶしゃぶ(Syabu Syabu)".(^0^)
Do you know it?
It generally means a one-pot dish made at the table by cooking vegetables and slices of meat in boiling broth and eaten with a soy-based sauce.
But we ate more delicious that.(^m^)v
First, the meats were "Iberian pork" and "Platium pork"!!
"Iberian pork" is the brand pork in Spain.
"Platium pork" is the brand pork in Japan.
They are famous to be delicious very much!!
And next "Collagen" was gotten on in the pot!
"Collagen" is good for beautiful skin!(^^)/
I would like my GF to keep her beautiful always.(^o^)o
We were full up and very happy.(o^0^o)v

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