Saturday, April 11, 2009



How are you?
I'm fine!(^^)

Yesterday, I went to a hot springs with my friends.(*^^*)

My friend will be transferred from Tokyo, the central city of the east Japan, to Osaka, the central city of the west.

He works at a bank.

Bankers are oftern transferred.

And he will go distantly the week after next.(>_<。)

So I and my other friend had a farewell party.o(^^)o

After work, we gathered round, and went to a hot spring on my car.

And we talked about some memories.(^^)

We promissed to keep in close contact!

Someday, we hope to run a business together.(^0^)

The transference is the destiny of Japanese salaried workers, especially bankers.

But I would like think the world of my friends even though we are apart.p(^^)q




  1. hi haru,
    with today's technology, we are never far apart from each other. there are many ways to stay in touch.

  2. Hi Chris,
    Yes, we can stay in touch!
    Of course, I can talk you with the Internet from Japan to the US.(^0^)v
