Sunday, May 31, 2009

My cooking #10

Good evening!(^^)/

Today, I will show the today's dinner of mine.(*^_^*)

Today's menu was "Hashed Beef".

Do you know "Hashed Beef"??

Please see the below photo.(^0^)/

The meal is like curry with rice.

Fly beef sliced thin and onions, and stew those with demi-glace sauce , the sauce is like tomato source added worcester sauce to.

It is very easy to cook it deliciously.(^^)v

Because in Japan the special thing is sold.

That is "the material of Hashed Beef".'(^m^)

So put it in a pan , and you can cook the delicious Hashed Beef very easily!!(^0^)




  1. You're the best bro!
    I'm learning to cook, RAMEN but still i'm training =)

    you hashed beef looks very good bro and delicious.

    have u a nice day!! =)


    I love RAMEN too!
    In Japan there are many kinds of RAMEN, miso,solt,soy sauce,tonkotsu,etc.
    Wow,I would like to eat RAMEN just now.(^m^)

  3. Haru,
    How are you?
    There is a Japanese curry paste that comes in a box. I ADORE it. It's easy and delicious.
    Now I am hungry.
    Hope you are well.
    How is your GF?

  4. >Chris

    Hi!I'm fine.(^^)/
    My GF is fine too.(^0^)
    And you??

    Is there that box in US?
    I like it too!
