Tuesday, June 2, 2009

the supporter of living alone

Good evening!

How are you??

Today, I will introduce the supporter of living alone in Japan.(^0^)/

Now, I have lived alone at an apartment.

So I must cook my own meal.

But I have often the time when I'm too tired to cook it.(^_^;)

That time! I use the special thing!

"The pack of a side dish"

A side dish is in this pack.

Today's dish was a food boiled and seasoned of taros, a typical Japanese food.(*^0^*)

I can eat it easily and quickly on opening this pack.(^^)v


So I could add a dish in today's dinner.(^^)o

And the good thing I want to point is the price of this pack!!

This pack is sold at about a hundred yen (about one dollar).(o^^o)

Moereover it is sold at the convenience store near my home.

I love this supporter of living alone.o(^0^)o




  1. wow..=) simple and nice. it seems like you can buy and eat anytime you want right? >"<

  2. Um! I LOVE taro!
    And there is something so WONDERFUL about living alone.
    Haru, one day you will get married and you will have children and maybe a pet dog.
    Enjoy your bachelorhood!
    I miss living alone. I really do!
    I used to make peanut butter sandwiches for dinner and eat in bed.
    Those were the good old days.

  3. >One Unity

    Yes,I can buy and eat it anytime.(^0^)
    Because the conveniences near my home are open 24 hours 365 days.(^^)/

  4. >Chris

    I think I will get married with my GF someday.
    I'm looking forward to live together.(*^^*)
    But I also like to live alone.(^^;;
    Um...I'm at a loss.(>_<)
