Thursday, March 12, 2009

I passed!!(^^)v


how are you?

Today also, I'm very happy!(o^_^o)

Because I passed a certifying examination today!!

I qualified as a certified public accountant!!v(^^)v

I'm really glad!!(*^_^*)

I now recollect the hard time when I studyed day after day.

I had studyed for 14 hours a day near the examination day...

My efforts paid off!! \(^^)/

My next aim is to be my own boss!!

So I just studay and experience many things.

Someday, I would like work as a consultant. p(^^)q

I hope to see more of you.(^_^)/




  1. Congretulations to your positive examination passage! What kind of consultatnt would you like to be? Pubic accountant is open to a wide variety of jobs in Japan? Explain a little bit more, if you like. Have a nice day, B.

  2. >Mr.Churchjard

    Thank you for visiting my blog.(^^)/
    I would like to be the consultant who can make medium and small companies grow up to big companies!
    In Japan public accountant has variable chances for making use of the ability, not only accounting but also management in general.
    Especially, a lot of new accounting standards will be applied from now on.
    So,public accountant will be needed by many companies, I think.

  3. CONGRATS to you Haru. I am truly happy for you. Now you must celebrate on Saturday with your Girl Friend because it will be March 14 (I have not forgotten, and neither has she!)
    BTW, I think Blogspot is experiencing technical difficulties...I could not post my comment here last night. Other bloggers are complaining of the same problem.

  4. >Chris

    Thank you!!
    And yes!I also haven't forgotten.(^^)b
    I bought presents for my GF!(^^)v

    Um...I'm sorry I don't know the cause of that trouble.
    m(_ _)m
