How are you?
I'm fine.(^^)
Today, I ate Bulgarian food at lunch.
I felt the image of Bulgaria is "yoghurt".(^^;;
But I found that' s a biased thought.
Bulgarian food gave me a new taste!
I ate "the Kabapma".
It is the menu representative of Bulgarian food, oven ware stewing meat and potate.

It has curious taste.
Spice is strong, but aftertaste is plain and good!
It's a new taste for me!
And the dessert was ,of course, "yoghurt".(*^o^*)
I ate the yoghurt put honey and roses into.
That's a Bulgarian style, I heard.
The yoghurt was very good!(o^-^o)
The good lunch gives me the power for working hard afternoon. o(^^)o
I'm looking forward to eat lunch tomorrow.(^m^)
Are you getting fat yet?
Time to jog!
Yeah, I'm getting fat now.(^_^;)
ReplyDeleteI will jog and train my muscle.(^^)/
I want to get slim body!