Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentine's Day


How do you spend at Valentine's Day??

I went shopping in Roppongi with my girlfriend.(^_^)♪

Roppongi has two good spots, "Roppongi Hills"and "Tokyo Midtown". (Roppongi Hills) (Tokyo Midtown)

In Japan, there is the custom different from other country at Valentine's Day.

I hear that men sent women presents at Valentine's Day in others.

But in Japan, women sent men a certain present at Valentine's Day!

The present is usually chocolate.

Valentine's Day in Japan is the day when women declare her love for men.

Instead, at White Day (March 14 ) men give women presents in return.

By the way the presents men give is about 3 times as high price as women give. (^_^;)

Today, I received presents from my GF.(^^)v

"Perfume" and "Macaron".

I'm happy very much!(o^0^o)

Well, from now on I must think what return gift I will give for my GF.(^^;;


Good night!



  1. Hello Haru,
    I am looking at the photo of the lovely gifts you received from your GF. Is that "macaroons"? That means a soft coconut cookie.

    I am already very excited about March 14. I am confident you will treat your GF to something really wonderful!
    Bye for now.

  2. Hi, Chris(^^)

    Yes, "macaroon"!
    It's too sweet.(^^;;

    I don't hit on a good idea for delight her.(^_^;)
    I hope you to advise me.(^^)/
