Tuesday, February 3, 2009

PC was broken(><)


I'm sorry not to have been able to write in my blog yesterday.(+_+;)

Because my PC was broken yesterday.(><.)

It didn't start up though I pushed a master switch...

Yeterday and this morning, I didn't access the Internet.

So I couldn't see google-news, and was trouble not to get news.

(I have always gotten news from google-news, not a newspaper.)

After work, I went to the shop of electricity.

And I bought new PC! (^^)v

I can access Internet and connect to the world!(^^)/

I hope to see more of you!(^o^)/




  1. hello,
    Congrats on your new PC. What brand is it? It looks beautiful. I like the wide screen.

    I suspect it is loaded with special features that we don't tet have here in the US (like your new cell phone).

    I have an old Dell and a new Dell laptop. I hate them both. They are both slow and infected with viruses. I prefer my hp laptop. It runs fast, and is quite reliable.
    See you later!

  2. I'm looking at your new computer again. That screen is REALLY big! And your keyboard seems to have extra keys. What are they for??
