Today, I will introduce my cellular phone.
For I want to know the difference between Japanese cellular phone and others.

I have been using the phone for 1 year and over.
"FOMA F904"
It's made by Fujitu, and sold by Docomo.
It has camera , vedeophone, music player, electronic money , internet function,and TV!!
It's old model, but I feel satisfied with it.
Especially, I often use the functions, camera and TV.
The function of a camera is used when I want to add a photo on my blog.
I can take a photo with it very easily.(^^)v
And the function of TV is used too when I write my blog.
I'm writing my blog with waching TV.(^0^)
Japanese cellular phone has more functions than others ,I think.
The oversea phone I watched in traveling abroad is very simple.EX)NOKIA
But the Japanese cellular phone is very expensive.(-_-;)
Now, the price of a new model is generally about 30,000~50,000yen ( $3,000~5,000).
I feel it very expensive!
How do you feel the price??
I want to know the feeling of the world.
Well, I'm sleepy.(_ _).oO
Good night!(^^)/
Have a nice weekend!(^_^)/~
OMG! I never knew a cell phone could have TV!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd it has electronic money? What does that mean?
Haru, a few days ago I bought my new iPhone. I have been blogging about it on my other blog. I bought it because of its calendar, note-pad, and shopping lists. It has many useful functions. Now my purse is less cluttered.
I paid only $250 USD because of my AT&T service contract.
Some of my friends have paid almost $800. That's too much.
My old cell phone was a Nokia. I love the Nokia ring (melody). Too bad my iPhone does not have it.
When you have time, visit my other blog. It's very different from L2A. You can find it at
Bye for now!
>Dear Chris
ReplyDeleteElectronic money is like credit card.
I can buy something with my cell phone without a wallet.
But I'm too dependent on a cell phone...I can't think of the world where there is no cell phone.
iPhone is very popular in Japan too. It's very stylish! I want it!
But I hear it's hard to use in Japan.Because it's different from other cell phone in many functions. EX)mail,internet,and no TV, no electronic money.
So, it has not popularized yet.(^^;;
I am finding it difficult to use my new iPhone. But some friends are experts with their iPhone, and they are giving me advice.
ReplyDeleteI still miss my Nokia.
It's very good to have advisers.(^^)
ReplyDeleteThere are few Nokia in Japan.(^^;;
Nokia is simpler than others, I think.
Other Japanese cell phones have too many functions.(^_^;)