Friday, February 20, 2009

Viva Japanese food!


Good evening!

Today, it's Friday! I'm happy♪

Tonight, I went to a wonderful restaurant of Japanese food.(^_^)

This restaurant is "楽太朗(RAKUTAROU)".

(I'm sorry, Japanese site only

I finded new dishes.(*^_^*)

"chopped dark meat from the leg"

"thin wheat noodles of a eggplant"

All the doods were delicious very much!!

And they teached me the new feel of eating!!

I'm really happy.(o^0^o)v

Well.,recently, I do nothing but write Foodie report.(^^;;

But this is natural because I love eating!(^m^)/

Bye! See you next!!



  1. Haru,
    I just love the way Japanese food is presented in such a beautiful manner.
    Yesterday I also went to a Japanese restaurant!!! I will be posting on my lunch after I finish this comment.
    Please visit me later and see the sushi!
    bye for now.

  2. Hi, Chris

    I saw your photo on your blog.
    I would like to eat sushi!
    What kind of sushi do you like?
    I like "toro(fatty tuna)".(^^)/

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