Thursday, February 26, 2009



How are you?

Well, I'm bad. (-_-)

Because I have pollinosis...

Do you know pollinosis? Do you have pollinosis?

It means a pollen allergy.

The symptoms are snivel, an itch of eyes, and a sneeze, like a cold. (T-T)

Sicken for pollonosis, I can't get to concentrate on do anything.(>_<)

Recently the pollen count is high...

The season, spring, is unpleasant for me. um......

So, my present necessity is " an air purifier".(^^)v

I like the design of it, red color and samll size.(o^_^o)

I hope it to work hard.(^^)o

If you know the provision against pollinosis, I would like to be teached.(*^^*)/




  1. Good evening Haru,
    Here in the US, we call it "allergies". I am allergic to some pollen too, and in spring/summer I can feel so miserable.
    I especially HATE the itchy eyes.
    Sometime I take antihistamine (non-prescription), but it makes me feel very sleepy.
    I hope your seasonal allergies is short-lived.
    Sometimes I use a saline eye wash in the mornings. It's non-medicated, and it rinses your eyes.
    Feel better!
    I will catch up with my blogging this weekend.
    There's too much work to do today & tomorrow.

  2. Hi, Chris,

    Today, I'm being sicken for pollinosis...the aunivel and itchy eyes.(-_-;)
    I would like to use a saline eye wish.
    I will go shopping to a drugstore(^^)/
    Thank you!!
