Today, I went back to my parent's home because I wanted to be relaxed.(^^)
I will introduce my family to you.
We are a faimily of six.
Grand father, Grand mother, Father, Mother, Sister and Me.
Grand father and mother are over 80 years old.
But they are cheerful very much!(^o^)
They had been operated on for cancer, grand father last year, grand mother 2 years ago.
And they recovered from cancer!
I hope them to live a long life.
My father is a public employee.
He is reliable, diligent, and strict.
When I was a child, I was often scolded by him.(^_^;)
He likes to cultivates dwarf trees now.
My mother has varied tastes.
The business of Amway, Coffee coordinator, fortune teller, and ,more...
I love the dish cooked by her.(*^_^*)
She cooks often sponge cake♪
My sister is 2 years younger than I am.
She works at the local bank.
She is strong-minded.(^^;;
She likes to tavel. She taveled to Europe (France and Italy) last year.
And she will tavel to Hong Kong and Macao.
Oh, I fogot him!!(><)

Our dog is "Pokkey"!!
He is the member of our family.(^^)
He is fine today too.(^o^)