Friday, January 16, 2009



Today, I felt disagreeable at work.(-_-)

So, after work, I went to eat out with my friend.(^^)/

This dinner is "Yakiniku"!! ( Yakiniku is boiled meat)

I love meat.(o^_^o) (...I will be fat??)

Well, I alwas clear the stresses and strains with eating a great meal.

Today's meat was very expensive, but very, very delicious!!(^^)v

By the grace of the meal, I got well.

Next week, too, I will bear up! o(^^)o



  1. Hello Haru,
    Yesterday I was very disagreeable at work too.
    I yelled at some of my students.
    Then I felt terrible! :(
    Hope you are feeling better today!

  2. >Ms.Chris

    Hi!Cheer up! (^^)/
    It will a better day next to a bad day!
    I hope you are feeling better,too. o(^^)o

  3. Good morning Haru,
    Last night we went to a seafood restaurant (I will post a Foodie Report on my blog later today). Seafood is not my fav food. It's too much work just to eat it!
    But it's the weekend now, and I think I am now happy.
    Enjoy your weekend.

  4. >Dear Chris

    Did you enjoy weekend?
    I read your blog.
    I don't like seafood very well,too.
    But I love SUSHI!
    SUSHI is like seafood, but easier to eat.(^^)/
    I hope you to eat SUSHI in Japan.(*^__^*)
