Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Used books


Today,I went to a my favorite spot on my home.

The place is "BOOK OFF" at Shirokanedai.


In this shop, many used books are sold at a low price. (^^)/

Besides we can browse through the magazine in it. (^m^)v

I like to reading, both books and comics.

Today, I bought three books.

Well, all Japanese books. (^^;;

First,「虚栄の黒船」 ( The vain black ship )

The subject matter is the story of the bankrupt Enron corp. for window-dressing settlement.

I'm accountant, so I'm very interested in it.

Second,「ライブドア 監査人の告白」 ( Confession of auditor for Livedoor )

The subject matter is the story of window-dressing settlement,too.
Livedoor is Japanese company, dropping for window-dressing settlement.

Third,「日本のお金持ちの研究」( The research of the Japanese rich )

"Who are the rich?" seem to be written.
I thought it seems interesting, so I bought it.
I hope it help me to make a go of the business.

Well, I will read♪♪♪

What wiil I start to read from~?(^^)

Bye! Take care!



  1. Good morning Haru,
    How are you?
    My students are crazy about manga.
    They read something called Naruto.

  2. One of my favorite things to do is to browse a used book store. Maybe it's a Libra thing? Thanks for stopping by Willow Manor today.

  3. >Ms.Chris

    I'm fine!(^^)/ And you?
    I know Naruto,and like it.
    This is the comic of Ninjya.In Japan,it's very popular,too.

  4. >Mr.willow

    Thank you for visiting my blog.
    I like to browse it,too.

    Excuse me,wWhat is the meaning of "a Libra thing"? (..;)
    I'm studying English now,and if you tell me that,I'll be glad.
